Successful premiere of "Mature Ladies" in Schwedt
We are delighted with the positive feedback and would like to thank Theater Schwedt under the direction of artistic director André Nicke and our great team for the successful premiere of "Reife Damen" (Mature Ladies). (Libretto: Florian Stanek, Music: Sebastian Brand). Here are some press comments:
"The punchy plot and the catchy music are captivating from the beginning. (...) lovingly created characters of the ladies by lyricist Florian Stanek (...) [The performance carried] the audience to storms of applause. (...) It seems almost certain that the " Mature Ladies" will also be discovered by other theatres in Germany."
– Eva-Martina Weyer, Märkische Oderzeitung
"Phenomenal performance in Schwedt. It should be noted directly in advance that the female visitors should refrain from too extensive make-up, as there were already bursts of laughter in the audience in the first half hour, which no make-up could survive unscathed. The new musical REIFE DAMEN by Sebastian Brand and Florian Stanek is a firework of good humour. Punchy dialogues and enthralling songs complement each other perfectly. Taboo topics and prejudices regarding ageing, sex in old age and the prevailing needs there are concretely addressed with a wink and an attack on the laughing muscles."
– Ines Marquardt,
"Guarantees tears of laughter, but also creates space for more serious moments. 'Mature Ladies' is far more than a bawdy moan musical. (...) The authors develop the play further into a bitter-sweet comedy that does not stop at topics such as ageing, poverty, loneliness, life lies, senior sex and media criticism. Musically, the play is also on a high level. (...) Stylistically, the songs range from disharmonies à la Kurt Weill to catchy pop ballads and bouncy samba rhythms to classic musical showstoppers."
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