Family musical based on the book by Wolf Erlbruch
Trailer: (c) Roland Renner, Reziprok Film
Book & Lyrics: Florian Stanek
Music: Sebastian Brand
Casting: 5 F or M / Band: Piano, Drums, Double Bass
Premiere 29.9.2018 Next Liberty Kinder- und Jugendtheater Graz.
Winner of the Audience Award MUT Authors' Competition of the Gärtnerplatztheater 2018.
„Die Zweifel wirf fort, fort, fort, und schlag deinen eigenen Akkord! Dann zieht auch die Welt ihren Hut – Es zählt was man tut!“
There are certainly four horrible creatures living under a bridge. Spider, rat, toad and bat are aware that they are not the classic cuddly animals - even more: they argue about which of them is probably the ugliest and most repulsive animal. But their little world is turned upside down when they are suddenly visited by a mysterious, saxophone-playing hyena. She shows the animals a different view of themselves and the world. True to her motto "It's not what you look like, but what you do that counts!", each of the animals grabs an instrument and the jam session can begin. But what about the seemingly untalented toad? Will he, too, find out where his true talent lies and be able to forget his own ugliness in the process? One thing is clear: this is only the beginning of a heart-warming story in which pancakes play a not insignificant role.
"Florian Stanek's text is full of wordplay".
"Sebastian Brandmeir's music adds tempo and entertainment value".
(Hannah Michaeler, Kronenzeitung)
"Enchanting children's musical (...) the hit of the 18/19 season (...) best entertainment for the whole family" (Kronenzeitung)
-> Next Liberty production page
-> German Interview Stanek Brandmeir (pdf)
Photos: (c) Lupi Spuma, Next Liberty Graz
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